These are lists of quests by membership status. From the RuneScape Wiki, the wiki for all things RuneScape. Jump to: navigation, search. For a continious list of all quests, see List of quests. These are lists of quests by membership status. There are currently 37 free-to-play quests. Name Difficulty Length Age Quest points Series Imp Catcher. RuneScape Quest Guides. The various quests are for many people the most fun aspect of RuneScape. When you have completed a quest, you will get one or more rewards, such as experience points in certain skills, items, money or access to new areas. Hey guys this is a speedrun guide on how to do all of the F2P quests extremely efficiently. I worked on this for an extremely long time and if it helped you. There are a total of 20 free-to-play quests in Old School RuneScape, offering a total of 42 quest points. This is a list of all free-to-play quests. The difficulty of a quest varies depending on each player's strengths and weaknesses. Some recommendations presented in quest guides present a single point of view and may be just one of many possible strategies. Balance these walkthroughs with your knowledge of RuneScape and your own abilities.
Im really new to Runescape, but it seems really, really fun. The only problem I have is I can't find anything else to do now that I've done the F2P quests, or at least the ones they show me to do. I'm not used to playing such a massive rpg, so its very overwhelming seeing all the stuff I can do. How do you guys find so many things to do? I hear of people playing for years, and still have things to do. I've only been playing a week. Can someone tell me specific places I should visit for a fun quest, and how do you guys find stuff to do? Thanks. In game name: jonb123, for anyone who wants to play :)

Free Quests Runescape 2