Stair Dismount Game

  • The Online 2D version of Stair Dismount. Knock the guy down the stairs. Try to make sure he gets hurt badly to score as high as possible. Play against your friends and try to see who can score the highest. Pretty addicting torture game, enjoy!
  • Stair Dismount uses ragdoll physics for its characters. The game was first published in Assembly 2002, where it won the first prize in the game development competition. Stair Dismount for iPhone and iPod touch was released on 25 November 2009.
  • Nov 25, 2009  -An Amazing game! SO AHEAD OF ITS TIME!- A long time ago back in 2010 I got an iPod Touch 2nd generation as a birthday gift and one day when was using this gift I saw Stair Dismount on the AppStore, and being very young at the time, I didn’t think much of the game.

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Jan 26, 2006  (Stair Dismount Game Screenshots) Stair Dismount was developed by Jetro Lauha for the game development competition at Assembly in 2002 (it took first prize). Stair Dismount was developed in a little over a week and a half by relying heavily on pre-existing libraries: SDL, ODE, FMOD, and Juice for physics modeling. It’s an impressive outcome. Game/Play art exhibition (touring in United Kingdom) is featuring Truck Dismount™. Porrasturvat themed live fan video: Watch in YouTube. Gamasutra interview with Mark Healey - Rag Doll Kung Fu was influenced by Stair Dismount. Dismount 4T (CLOSED) - Fan site about Dismount™ games. Flipcode Image Of The Day about Stair & Truck Dismount.

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