How to Change a WiFi Password in Windows 10—or just delete unwanted networks I recently had to return my laptop to default settings to fix a problem that hadn’t responded to anything else I’d tried. Note that the procedure is the same for Windows 7, 8 or 10. View WiFi Password in Windows. In order to view the WiFi password on your Windows machine, you need to make sure you are already connected to the WiFi network or have previously connected to the WiFi network.
Categories: Wireless Networking
In other languages:
Русский: создать точку доступа WiFi с помощью командной строки, Italiano: Creare un Hotspot WiFi Utilizzando il Prompt dei Comandi, Español: crear un punto de acceso wifi usando el símbolo del sistema, Português: Criar um Hotspot Wifi Usando o Prompt de Comando, Deutsch: Einen WLAN Hotspot über die Eingabeaufforderung einrichten, Bahasa Indonesia: Membuat Area Bersinyal WiFi Menggunakan Command Prompt, 中文: 使用命令提示符创建WiFi热点, Français: créer un Hotspot WiFi en utilisant l'invite de commande, Nederlands: Een wifi hotspot maken via de opdrachtregel, ไทย: สร้าง WiFi Hotspot ด้วยหน้าต่าง Command Prompt, العربية: إنشاء نقطة وصول لاسلكية باستخدام سطر الأوامر, 日本語: コマンドプロンプトを使ってWiFiアクセスポイントを作成する, Tiếng Việt: Tạo WiFi Hotspot bằng Command Prompt, 한국어: 명령 프롬프트로 와이파이 핫스팟 만드는 방법, हिन्दी: कमांड प्रॉम्प्ट का इस्तेमाल कर एक वाईफाई हॉटस्पॉट तैयार करें, Türkçe: Komut İstemini Kullanarak WiFi Bağlantı Noktası Nasıl Oluşturulur
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Did you have someone else set up the wireless network in your house, and can’t for the life of you remember the password? If so read on to see how you may still be able to recover it.
This should work for Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.

Note: Unfortunately this trick will only work if you are a local administrator on your machine, if you are not you will be prompted by UAC for administrative credentials.
Viewing Your Wireless Password From an Already Connected Machine
To view your wireless network password we need to get to the settings for your network adapter, so press the Win + R keyboard combination and type ncpa.cpl in the run box, then hit the enter key.
You will now see all the network adapters in your machine, right-click on the wireless one and select Status from the context menu.
When the Wi-Fi Status dialog loads up, click on the Wireless Properties button.
Then you will need to switch over to the Security tab.
Set Wifi Password Windows 7 Download
Finally, check the Show characters checkbox to reveal your password.

That’s all there is to it.
Update: If this method didn’t work for you, try viewing a list of all your saved Wi-Fi passwords.
RELATED:How to See All Your Saved Wi-Fi Passwords on Windows 10
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