“The uninstall tool allows the removal of a service pack release, which is a collection of patches. In this case, the release is 2007 Office system SP2. The uninstall tool removes all patches in a given release. It does not uninstall per patch or per product. Uninstall & Completely Remove Microsoft Office 2007 with RipOutOffice2007. In majority of cases you will not face any issue while uninstalling Microsoft Office 2007 but some users may face some issue while removing Office 2007, for those users here is RipOutOffice2007. RipOutOffice2007 is third party freeware tool to completely uninstall & remove Office 2007 when the standard uninstall process won’t work.
When automating the removal of Office 2007, we need to call setup.exe to perform the work.
Because Office 2007 is a multi-msi based product we cannot use msiexec for the installation, nor the uninstallation of Office 2007.
The Microsoft Service Pack Uninstall Tool for the 2007 Microsoft Office suite (Oarpman.exe) lets you uninstall all the updates for the 2007 Office desktop products that are included in the 2007 Office suite SP2 and SP3. If you are unable to uninstall Office 2007 using Control Panel, then you can use office 2007 removal tool AKA Easy Fix tool released by Microsoft to uninstall office 2007 automatically from your computer. You need to use this tool only when you are unable to uninstall Office 2007 from Control Panel. Download Office 2010 Removal Tool. Microsoft Office 2007 Complete Registry Removal and Deletion Uninstaller. The utility will delete large amount of registry keys, which may affect system stability upon deletion if Office 2K7 is not installed again. Download Microsoft Office 2007 Registry Complete Removal Tool: Office2K7DelReg.zip.
To run Setup.exe to remove a specified Office product from the user’s computer, use the /uninstall command-line option, which uses the following syntax:
/uninstall [ProductID]
Microsoft Office 2007 Uninstall Tool Key
[ProductID] is the value for the product that you want to modify. Look up the value of [ProductID] in the Setup.xml file for the product.
The following example shows how to use the /uninstall command to remove an Office Professional Plus 2007 installation. Office12 is the root of the network installation point for ProPlus:
servershareOffice12setup.exe /uninstall ProPlus
In enterprise deployments, we recommend that you run a silent uninstall. To run a silent uninstallation of a Office 2007 product that requires no user interaction, you must modify the Config.xml file for the product that you want to uninstall and set the Display element's Level attribute to 'none' (Display Level='none'), and then save the Config.xml file as UninstallConfig.xml. You may also want to prevent the reboot of the machine after the uninstallation. We can also set this in a custom Config.xml.
Example Uninstallconfig.xml:
To then uninstall Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007 after you modify the Config.xml to set silent options, use the following command where servershareOffice12 is the path of the Office 2007 Professional Plus source files, and <pathtoUninstallConfig.xml> is the location of your modified Config.xml file for Office Professional Plus:
Microsoft Office 2007 Uninstall Tool Windows 10
servershareOffice12setup.exe /uninstall ProPlus /config <pathtoUninstallconfig.xml>UninstallConfig.xml