Come and join your favorite Monster High character, Draculaura, in this new game Draculaura Blind Date, and help her decide which is the right boy for her and who should she go on a date with.

- Games for Girls - Blind Date Game Video 9FishGames Only Exciting Games. Kids Say The Darndest Things 3. 17 Quiz Games And Funny Riddles To Test How Attentive Your Brain Is.
- Blind date: Play free online games includes funny, girl, boy, racing, shooting games and much more. Whatever game you are searching for, we've got it here.
- No matter your dating record in real life, you can always get a date here. Even if you're too young to start dating, you can practice with these games, risk and pressure-free! Choose your ideal pair or partner and then dress-up, beautify your hair and nails before you head out with them.
Blindman's buff
Energy rating: 2/5
AKA: Blindman's bluff
Aim To identify your friends by touch alone
Athletic skill Sensitive fingertips
How to play
This traditional game works best with a big group. Nominate someone to be blindfolded. The 'blind man' counts to five, while the other players spread out. The blind man must feel their way around the room, finding the other players and identifying them. If they catch someone but guess incorrectly, the person is freed. If they guess correctly, that person becomes the blind man.
Spice it up
Have two 'blind men' in the room at the same time.
Top tactics
Stay really still and remove any jangly jewellery.
Squeak piggy squeak
Energy rating: 1/5
AKA: Poor pussy, it of sit

Aim: To fool your friends
Athletic skill: Duplicity
How to play
Sit everyone in a circle with one player blindfold in the middle. The blindfolded player walks around the circle, sits on someone's lap and says 'squeak piggy, squeak'. The person whose lap it is, the 'piggy', then makes a squeaking noise and the blindfolded player must guess who it is. If the guess is correct the blindfolded player swaps with the piggy, who starts the game again. If the guess is incorrect the blindfolded player is spun round again to sit on someone else's lap.
Instead of asking players to squeal like a pig, invite them to stroke the guesser, saying as they do, 'poor pussy!'. Speakers should, of course, disguise their voices as much as possible. Those not fond of animal noises can go with a straightforward guessing scenario (it of sit).
Top tactics
Players should regularly switch places to confuse the blindfolded person.
Blind potato race
Energy rating: 4/5
AKA: Gathering potatoes
Aim: To find lost objects
Athletic skill: Crawling
How to play
Split into teams or pairs, blindfold one player in each, and scatter potatoes across the floor. The blindfolded players have to crawl around the floor gathering up the potatoes. The non-blindfolded players can help those on the floor by shouting out directions, like 'warmer, colder'. Make the winner either the first to cross a predetermined finish line, or the person who collects the most after 30 seconds. Swap places for the next round.
Use a variety of random objects instead of potatoes. For an evil twist, take away some of the objects and direct the blindfolded players to nothing. This is a particularly satisfying way to get your own back on overly competitive types.
Top tactics
Feel around by spreading your arms wide and be willing to fight other players for objects. You could also wear a long baggy top so you have something to carry the potatoes in.
Is that you Moriarty?
Energy rating: 4/5
Aim: To battle your opponent with a rolled up newspaper
Athletic skill: Coordination
How to play
A duelling game. Two players are blindfolded and each given a rolled up newspaper. Duellists lie on the floor, head to head but an arm's length apart. One of the players starts by shouting 'Is that you Moriarty?' and tries to hit the other player with the rolled up newspaper. The players thrash the newspaper around over their heads, without their bodies leaving the floor. The first player hit loses and is replaced by another challenger.
Spice it up
Replace the rolled up newspaper with something less pleasant to be hit with, like a cold wet towel.
Top tactics
Roll from side to side to avoid being hit.
Don't play this with: People with anger management issues.
Obstacle course
Energy rating: 3/5
AKA: Burglars
Aim: To negotiate obstacles blindfold. Or is it?
Athletic skill: Core stability
How to play
Create an obstacle course, making it as difficult as you want. Base it on the military version, with objects to step over, crawl under, jump around, strings tied at different levels, balls all over the floor, washing up bowls of water. Demonstrate how to navigate the course successfully, invite people to have a trial run, then send everyone out of the room. Invite them back in two at a time and blindfold to tackle the course. The catch is that while they were out of the room, you removed the obstacles. When they have finished dodging imaginary obstacles, take off the blindfolds and reveal that they have been duped. Let them stay to watch the rest of the players making fools of themselves.
You could keep the course intact and then get the group to work in teams, so that one team member shouts directions while the other one runs the course and then swap over.
Spice it up: Post the results on YouTube.
Top tactics
For those playing (and thinking the obstacle course is there) the key is memory, remembering when to take big steps and when to be small to manoeuvre to your way round.
Pin the tail on the donkey
Energy rating: 1/5
Dating Games
AKA: Pin anything on anything else (in theory, at least)
Aim: To pin an item on a picture
Athletic skill: Orientation

How to play
The classic version involves tails and donkeys. Put a picture of a donkey on the wall at the height of the players. One at a time, each player is given a tail with drawing pin or some Blu-Tack attached, blindfolded, spun round, then pushed toward the donkey. They must orientate themselves enough to guess where to attach the tail. Mark an X and write their initials where they hit. The person who gets the closest wins.
For childrens' parties, find a picture that fits the party theme (eg a favourite cartoon character, eyepatches on pirates, wands on fairies). Give everyone a tail (or eyepatch etc) each so that you can see the results instantly. Teenagers could use a celebrity's face from a celebrity magazine, blown up on the photocopier with key facial features removed, and try to reattach them in the correct positions. Some celebs might look better for the makeover.
Blind Date Game Show
Spice it up
There are numerous X-rated versions on the market. And who says you can't play a live version too?
Top tactics
Try not to get disorientated when being spun round. Ballerinas employ the tactic of 'spotting' to avoid getting dizzy: leave your head facing the wall as your body is turned, then whip it round 360 degrees to catch up each time you turn.